Hogwarts Alumni Association

Home Alumni Photos Magical Crafts Party Projects Ravenclaw House Slytherin House Hufflepuff House Gryffindor House Trophy Case Sorting Quiz Dueling Headquarters

Welcome witches, wizards, squibs, muggles and magical creatures!

This is where we put our information on past and future Hogwarts parties. Try the page for your house for more info. If you don't know which house you are in, take the quiz and submit your answers to one of the webmistresses.

Salli (aka Amelia Blake) at salli_bonnets@netzero.net


Lena (aka Heir of Mave) at ralariagreenleaf@msn.com

NEW Sorting Quiz! We wrote the quiz in 2005 and needed to redo it, so if you want to contest the house you were placed in, (or, if you are partying long-distance) please retake the test and submit your answers to one of the webmistresses.

NEW Trophy Case page! Check out the winners of this year's trophies to see who you need to beat. {Note: I (Salli) am going to be practicing my judging too, I get so nervous when I'm on the spot, and I didn't expect it to be that hard to judge- well done everyone!)

Look for your NEW IMPROVED! Dueler's Arsenal (with pronunciation guide) coming by owl to your window soon! Along with a surprise...

Just website FYI: the person who is 'Head of House' is the person in charge of keeping their house page up-to-date.

Countdown to next party:
11 months-ish!