Sorting Quiz

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The Hogwarts Sorting Quiz

1. Which Bertie Botts beans would you like best?

a)lemon, green apple, strawberry cheesecake
b)candy corn, caramel apple, rootbeer float
c)pizza, chocolate, butter-beer
d)raspberry, pineapple, black cherry

2. Which Hogwarts subjects would you be best at?

a) Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures
b) Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures and Charms
c)Potions, Transfiguration and Divination
d)Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions

3. Who would you most like to meet at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?

(If you are a guy): a)Hermione b)Molly c)Tonks d)Luna e)Ginny f)Cho g)Narcissa h)Fleur

(If you are a girl): a)Harry b)Lucius c)Sirius d)Firenze e)Ron or Fred/George f)Cedric Diggory h)Remus i)Draco

4. If you were being attacked by a mountain troll, you would most likely:

a)remember from your Defense Against the Dark Arts class that mountain trolls are afraid of ferrets, then transfigure yourself into a ferret
b) use 'Petrificus totalus' to put him to sleep
c) use 'Sectumsempra' to wound him
d) use 'Wingardium leviosa' to lift something to knock him out

5. As a student at Hogwarts, your leisure time would most likely be spent:

a) playing quidditch, sneaking around Hogwarts castle, playing wizard's chess
b) practicing charms, shopping in Diagon Alley, winning at quidditch
c) visiting Honeyduke's Sweet Shop, playing quidditch, Having a picnic at the lake with friends d) studying for exams, participating in an unsanctioned wizard's duel with classmates, playing quidditch

6. If Voldemort were talking to you in your dreams you would:

a) research in the library what to do
b) tell your Head of House
c) tell your friends, then together figure out what to do
d) brag about it to your family and friends

7. If a boggart was coming toward you, what shape would it most likely take?

a) a failed OWLS report
b) Voldemort or other Death Eater
c) your Head of House telling you that you were expelled
d) two of your closest friends asking you to choose between them

8. If you were an animagus, which of these animals would you most likely turn into?

a)dog/wolf   b)eagle   c)cat   d)horse   e)hippogriff   f)unicorn   g)dragon   h)serpent   i)bear   j)lion   k)toad   l)phoenix   m)owl   n)doe/stag   o)fox   p)badger   q)peacock   r)dove   s)honey bee   t)whale/dolphin

9. In case of a tie, which house would you guess you are most likely to be in?

a) Hufflepuff
b) Slytherin
c) Gryffindor
d) Ravenclaw